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Gambaran singkat kunjungan ke Jakarta

Posted by Eastjavatour on Selasa, 22 Juni 2010 , under | komentar (0)

Selama ini banyak program Study Tour yang ditawarkan, namun terkadang makna dari study tour itu sendiri kurang memberikan informasi kepada para siswa sehingga siswa juga kurang memahami apa arti dari Study Tour , kemungkinan yang mereka tahu hanyalah Study Tour sama artinya dengan bepergian, padahal arti dari Study Tour adalah melakukan sebuah perjalanan yang memberikan manfaat kepada para siswa sehingga siswa dapat menyerap ilmu dari perjalanan yang dilakukannya.

Study Tour bukan hanya mengunjungi tempat – tempat wisata akan tetapi juga mengunjungi tempat – tempat yang memberikan kesan bagi mereka sehingga siswa dapat menyerap  informasi yang diberikan oleh tempat – tempat yang dikunjunginya.
Maka dari itu, kami dari Tirta Bianca Tour and Travel Representatif Blitar akan memberikan inovasi tersendiri di dalam dunia wisata. Dan inovasi yang kami berikan adalah dengan melakukan Study Tour ke Jakarta, dan tujuan utamanya  adalah studio Trans TV, dengan adanya kunjungan ke studio Trans TV kami berharap agar siswa mengerti dan merasakan seluk beluk dunia kerja yang serba menuntut kedisiplinan dan ketepatan waktu, apalagi siswa SMA bukan siswa yang ABG lagi, karena stelah lulus dari SMA mereka dituntut untuk memikirkan masa depan mereka, mungkin saat ini mereka hanya memikirkan setelah lulus mereka akan kuliah dan mengambil jurusan yang bergengsi, namun mereka kurang memahami bahwa sebenarnya semua jurusan akan bermanfaat dalam dunia kerja, maka dari itu Trans TV akan memberikan gambaran bahwa dalam dunia kerjapun mereka juga mempunyai bagian – bagian tersendiri, mereka butuh dari jurusan tehnik, hukum, psikologi, sastra, ekonomi dan lain sebagainya, karena semuanya itu saling melengkapi, sehingga para siswa tidak perlu merasa berkecil hati dengan jurusan yang mereka ambil saat ini.
Setelah kunjungan di Trans TV, kami juga memanjakan para siswa untuk menikmati suasana kota Jakarta dengan berbagai kekurangan dan kelebihannya, sehingga siswa bisa melihat kondisi sosial masyarakat Jakarta dan sekitarnya.
Mungkin konsumen masih ragu dengan keberadaan Tirta Bianca di Blitar karena nama ini masih asing dan masih baru di Blitar, namun perlu diketahui, bahwa Tirta Bianca adalah Tour and Travel yang cukup besar dan mempunyai ijin – ijin yang resmi, sehingga dapat dipertanggungjawabkan keberadaanya, Tirta Bianca berkantor pusat di Jogjakarta, dan mempunyai cabang di Surabaya, serta perwakilan di Blitar, sebagai Tour and Travel yang mempunyai peringkat keempat di jajaran Tour and Travel terbesar di Indonesia, maka hubungan kerjasama untuk kunjungan ke perusahaan – perusahaan juga terjalin sangat erat.
Demikianlah gambaran singkat mengenai kunjungan ke Jakarta, dan tak lupa kami ucapka terimakasih atas kepercayaannya untuk memilih kami sebagai partner berwisata : Service is the most important thing. 

Our Tours Package

Posted by Eastjavatour on , under | komentar (0)

Jawa Timur – Jogja package
Day 1
Arrival from Abdurrahman Saleh/ Juanda’s Airport
- Check in Hotel
- Start tour at 2 o’clock ( Early Morning )
- Early Morning Bromo Tour
- Visit Around Malang Tourism Center
a. Batu
b. Malang City ( include toko OEN )
c. Handicraft Center in Lawang
Day 2
Check out from Hotel in Malang
Go to Blitar
- Check in Hotel in Blitar
- Start tour at 6 o’clock
- Visit The Kelud Mountain’s slope
- Visit Penataran Temple and Sawentar temple
- Visit Soekarno’s Museum
- Visit The Dutch Government building remains
- If possible you can go around the Blitar City by Dokar (special traditional cart in Blitar ) and Visit the traditional garden.
- Visit Handicraft Center special from Blitar
- Check out Hotel
Go to Jogja

Total the day of tour 7 days

Package B
Program Malang - Blitar
Day 1
Arrival from Bandara Abdurahman Saleh/ Juanda
- Check in Hotel
- Start tour early morning
- Early Morning Bromo Tour
- Visit Around Malang Tourism Center

B.Malang City (Included Toko Oen)
C.Visit Handicraft Center in Lawang
Day 2
Check out from Hotel in Malang
Go to Blitar
- Check in Hotel in Blitar
- Start tour at 6 o’clock
- Visit The Kelud Mountain’s slope
- Visit Penataran Temple and Sawentar temple
- Visit Soekarno’s Museum
- Visit The Dutch Government building remains
- If possible you can go around the Blitar City by Dokar (special traditional cart in Blitar) and Visit the traditional garden.
- Visit Handicraft Center special from Blitar
- Check out Hotel

Beside package A and B we also service the others package like transit, mount tracking, village visiting, adventuring, with the professional guide.

The cost included :
1. Entrance fee
2. Guide
3. Hotel
4. Dokar
5. Lunch
6. Rent Car
7. Parking

Excluded :

1. Flight Ticket and privacy cost that not mentioned in tour program.

You also can visit our website in www. bianca tours. com and Tirta Bianca Representative Blitar’s contact person :
Denis Probosini
Office: Jalan Brau No 7, Blitar, East Java, Indonesia
Email :
Cell Phone : 62 81 7547 6612

The little description about East Java Tourism

Posted by Eastjavatour on Senin, 21 Juni 2010 , under | komentar (0)

Malang is the interest place in East Java, many building of Dutch Colonial was built, like Toko Oen, now Toko Oen is a bread shop, many years ago, the owner of Toko Oen is the employee of Dutch Colonials.

Beside Toko Oen, the most beautiful phenomenon of East Java is Bromo Mountain, in Bromo we can meet the Tengger’s community, the history of Tengger was the peoples of Majapahit Kingdom, who didn’t want to adhere to Moslem, they feel that Majapahit Kingdom was attacked by Moslem people that built Islamic Kingdom, like Demak Kingdom, Jogjakarta Kingdom, and then they disagree to follow the Islamic Kingdom so they isolated their self in Bromo Mountain ( in East Java ), Badui ( in West Java ), and Bali, and up to now they still follow the Hindu’s custom. Beside Tengger, in Bromo mountain we can see the beautiful scenery like sunrise or sunset , we also be able to see the beautiful crater in Bromo.

Blitar is a small city in East Java, but it has many history, like Penataran Temple, p pentagram temple is the biggest Temple in East Java, although this temple is not big like Barbour or Ramadan, but Penataran Temple had the most important part when Majapahit had a power, this temple was the place when the King wanted to pray, he always come to Penataran Temple and made the ritual, if we say about Majapahit, may be the world know, that Majapahit was a biggest Kingdom in South East Asia, many years ago, Majahapahit had a power in all of Indonesian Archipelago, even Malaya, Singapore, Philippine, Thailand are the former of Majapahit colony. The shape of Temple in East Java are different from the temple in Jogjakarta or Central Java, the temple in East Java has the Gupala, gupala is the statue in front of temple and the function of Gupala is to save the temple, and on the temple there is Kalamakara, we can see the Kalamakara’s relief on the door of temple, and they had a function to make the devil go.

The slope of Kelud Mountain is also the beautiful scenery in Blitar, the tea garden, coffee garden, and many gardens that was built from the Dutch Colonial government. East Java has two volcano mountains: Semeru Mountain near Bromo Mountain and Kelud Mountain, up to now the lava of both are still active.

The story above is about a little of East Java Tourism, and many tourism place in East Java which have not been known by the people in the world, and we will serve you to visit in the place what you want and what make you interest in.


New Expossed

Posted by Eastjavatour on , under | komentar (0)

Blitar is the small city in East Java Province, the large was about 16,3 km², the object of tourism in Blitar is : Kebon Rojo, is a garden that was built by the Dutch Government that located in Jl. Diponegoro, Blitar.

Beside Kebon Rojo, the tourism place in Blitar are aloon – aloon, like in Jogjakarta, aloon – aloon is a center of park in front of palace, aloon – aloon usually used to make some even, like dance show,etc, but now, aloon – aloon just used to spent of the vacancy. Museum of Soekarno also located in Blitar, in this museum show the picture and the things that was used by Mr. Soekarno, the first president of Indonesia, when he had to opposite the colonial of the Dutch.many history was written in this museum. And up to now according to history, Blitar is a product of Presiden, like Susilo Bambang Yudoyono, her mother is also come from Blitar, and his partner Budiono, is also come from Blitar, even in Majapahit’s history, Gajah Mada is the biggest head minister and he could make Indonesia be the one country also come from Blitar.

The famous interested tourism place is Penataran Temple, that located in Kabupaten Blitar, excatly in Penataran village, penataran is the biggest temple in East Java, that was build by Kadiri’s Kingdom, but Majapahit continue of Kadiri’s culture by using the Penataran Temple as a place to make a pray, this temple is different with the temple in Central Java, this temple was designed with East Java mode.
Those all the description about Blitar, we hope you enjoy your vacancy in Blitar City..
